Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cuestións of a questioning mind

And it all starts with the choices a person makes in life. Is being impulsive also a choice or just a state in which a person can still follow good judgement to make a choice or not? Does impulsiveness represent actually the spur of the moment condition or do certain life experiences, thoughts and opinions keep brooding and building over time to give shape to that crazy moment when we do not think twice?

Is it possible to eventually feel content for the motive the impulsiveness achieved despite the trouble it caused during the course of its achievement? How important a role a person's conscience plays in evaluating the pros and cons of a decision? How crucial is the interplay of the heart and mind when embarking upon that final choice one makes?

What is the role of destiny in all this? Should everything be rationalized as 'whatever happens, happens for one's own good'? Do regrets even count?

Is it possible to discount the pains of growing up when assessing decisions and actions a person takes at the acceptable age of maturity? Is there ever a plausible 'excuse' and a possible atonement for actions taken? How much does rationalization as a defence mechanism succeeds in putting a restless soul at peace? Is it even healthy to do so? Or should one's head hang in shame all his life?

I do not know the answers yet. Or maybe I do, but articulation still remains.


  1. wow.. its a really good one... its very similiar to the questions i ask from life...

    i believe there are two kinds of people

    1. those who think a lot (about everything)
    2. those who don't think that much

    and i guess the 2nd category can attain peace rather easily... the 1st category is bound to be in pain and suffering...

  2. Thank you :)

    I agree with the categories...and I'm afraid I have always been the first kind...its hard not to overthink heh...but eventually it all passes...should try to find happiness always in the smallest of things eases the pain to a great extent :)
